Could ‘Being Human’ ever rise up again for a one-off special?

When you think about it, just the idea of ‘being human’ is hard enough for the average individual. Imagine how difficult it is for your average vampire, ghost and/or werewolf. Now, put them all in a flat in Wales and it becomes almost ‘humanly’ impossible to imagine. If you’re not familiar with Being Human, it’s […]

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Mongrels – Definitely not the Muppets

Reminiscent of one of the all-time great movies, The Player, there are times that you’d like to be a fly on the wall in a pitch meeting trying to convince studio heads that your idea is the next Seinfeld, ER or Desperate Housewives. Imagine your pitch to the BBC commissioners for a series called Mongrels. […]

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Episodes has a fighting chance

Full disclosure upfront. I wasn’t going to give the new series from Hat Trick Productions and Showtime much of a chance from the beginning, given that it initially read as a documentary and not a comedy. However, after seeing episode one, this has the potential to be the ‘much-anticipated’ hit that the BBC is hanging its hat […]

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Last of the Summer Wine meets The Player

Now that reality has set in from last week’s announcement of the longest running sitcom in history, Last of the SummerWine, calling it quits, the Den of Geek offers up some of their best pitches to Last of the Summer Wine writer, Roy Clarke. In a scene reminiscent of Robert Altman’s The Player where the pitch […]

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Definitely not your father's Mrs. Brown

What do you get when you put an innocent clip on YouTube that has generated over 1 million hits and then increases by over 100K at day? A BBC/RTE pilot, obviously. Dublin comedian Brendan O’Carroll created the short piece based on his Mrs. Brown character for the BBC as a “test”. While the pilot was […]

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Being Human 2, at last

When you first hear the premise of Being Human, that being one of “ok, a group of twenty-somethings share a flat in Bristol and, oh yeah, one’s a vampire, one’s a werewolf and the third one’s a ghost”, it sounds like another pitch right out of the movie, The Player, trying to jump on the Twilight, […]

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