How great would this have been or be? Imagine a Saturday Morning Fun Club made up of the greatness of Scooby Doo, Pee Wee’s Playhouse and the Traveling Time Lord himself in an animated Saturday morning version of Doctor Who. Unfortunately, at this point, the idea lives only in the mind palace of artist and […]
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Who knew (or remembers) that the current host of The Late Late Show, Craig Ferguson, and the newest Traveling Time Lord (Peter Capaldi) go way back. As the story goes, Ferguson began as a drummer in a rock band called Exposure. He then joined a punk band called The Bastards from Hell, which was later […]
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The beginning of the Peter Capaldi era as the Twelfth Doctor just got a bit more awesome with the announcement that series 8 opening episode on 23 August is scheduled not just on a TV screen near you, but will air in approximately 1500 cinemas around the globe. Following the success of the Doctor Who […]
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Suranne Jones (DI Anne Oldman) and John Hannah (DI Jack Cloth) are back for a third installment of Charlie Brooker’s police procedural spoof, A Touch of Cloth! Reminiscent of the greatness of Police Squad, this brilliant parody of British detective and crime dramas will also feature some new blood this time around. Kerry Newblood, to […]
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Robot Chicken, created from the mind palaces of Seth Green and Matthew Senreich, got just a bit cooler recently as, at long last, The Doctor finally meets The Nerd. Airing as part of the Adult Swim block on The Cartoon Network, Robot Chicken is a sketch comedy series that parodies a number of pop culture […]
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There was a time, back when the Earth was cooling, that an entity had arrived when you were parodied on a Saturday Night Live sketch. Once they lost their way, your stamp of approval came at the hands of Jimmy Fallon with parodies or spoof sketches on Latenight with Jimmy Fallon. Now, it seems the […]
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Short of premiering an overpriced spot during the Super Bowl, the next best thing, bar none, is to premiere an overdue, long-awaited trailer for the longest running science-fiction series in the history of television during the finale of the Fifa World Cup telecast. This year’s finale between Germany and Argentina didn’t escape notice with the […]
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As Doctor Who showrunner, Steven Moffat, the BBC and fans of the series around the world are seething over the apparent script leak from the forthcoming Peter Capaldi era, comes word that a rough cut of the first episode, “Deep Breath”, has surfaced courtesy of video pirate websites. Since the first five scripts from the […]
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Periodically, you run across things on the Internets that make you realize there are people who have jobs where they have more fun than the law allows. You are also so thankful for those individuals because of what they create. Such is the case with Sherlock co-creators/writers Mark Gatiss and current Doctor Who show runner, […]
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We’re a mere 48 days away from the beginning of the Peter Capaldi era at the helm of the TARDIS. Even though we are now well under two months from the 23 August premiere, sadly, it will seem like an eternity, especially with every day going by having a new teaser trailer introduced to suck […]
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