Goodbye New Orleans and remembering Graham Crowden

As we leave New Orleans (insert sniff here) and this year’s BBC Syndication Showcase, we learned of some sad news from the world of British comedy that Graham Crowden, known to many as Tom Ballard in Waiting for God, had passed away yesterday at the age of 87. Remembering Graham Crowden We were extremely fortunate […]

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Connie Booth checks out of Fawlty Towers – for good

It’s an old story, but one worth re-telling. You’re an actor/actress targeted for life for a role done a lifetime ago. A legion of fans worldwide don’t want to let go. It’s something that every actor worries about. In the world of British comedy alone, just ask Patricia Routledge (Hyacinth Bucket), John Cleese (Basil Fawlty) […]

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BBC reveals what we've all known for some time…

In a not-so-earth-shattering, earth-shattering, announcement, the BBC, yesterday, revealed what we’ve all known for a long, long time. Doctor Who is immortal. The reasoning behind the timing of the announcement points directly from the edict of the Time Lords, which has long stated that Time Lords can only regenerate only 12 times before they die. […]

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The Doctor invades Utah desert

Finally putting all the rumors to rest, the BBC announced just this past week that Doctor Who will be filming in early November in the Utah desert for the upcoming two-part season six premiere. For those that have followed the series closely over the years, this will be the first time filming for the series […]

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What would you put in the TARDIS?

Guess now that Matt Smith is back for his second season as The Doctor, he’s feeling a bit more comfortable in asking for things on the set. Having displayed exceptional football skills last year, Smith is eager to show off his musical skills in an upcoming episode. What better way but to add a piano […]

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DIY Build-a-Dalek workshop

Just in case you have some extra time on your hands this weekend, we’ve got the answer. Searching for that elusive hobby to occupy your time and haven’t found anything that is of interest? Time to dig deep and access that inner-Davros or Martha Stewart and make your own Dalek. With blueprints and accompanying step-by-step […]

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Buckingham Palace rejects Doctor Who

I’m afraid everyone needs a little explanation and clarification here. Admittedly, we’re talking almost 23 years ago, but it’s still a rejection, nonetheless. Seems as though back in March 1988, Doctor Who producers thought that the simple fact that it was to be the 25th anniversary of the series wasn’t enough from a promotional standpoint. […]

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A Friday Doctor Who scattershoot

Lots of Doctor Who news swirling around the Internets the last few days regarding the upcoming season with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. Some worth repeating and some not so much. I promise to forego the constant rumors of Matt Smith leaving, Karen Gillan leaving, Steven Moffat leaving, etc. Rather than have you spend hours […]

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Doctor Who enrolling at MIT this Fall?

Forget SAT scores. His admission application reads like no other that has entered the hallowed halls of MIT. He’s regenerated 10 times, which means he’s been near death that many times. He travels through time and space in a time machine, the Time And Relative Dimension (s) in Space (TARDIS). He has two hearts, otherwise […]

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Doctor Who and the Home Movie Roadshow

Just a quick follow-up to yesterday’s post concerning the series, Home Movie Roadshow that’s currently running on BBC Two. Who’d of thought, but It seems as though the Reliance Mercedes dealership in Chingford was quite the hotbed of activity on one fateful day in 1975. Former Doctor Who, Jon Pertwee, and the Who-mobile came to […]

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