Ready for a Doctor Who Christmas 2011?

A Doctor Who Christmas present for 2011 Good to know that both the U.S. and the U.K. are on Steven Moffat’s holiday gift-giving list for 2011. As if a second season of Sherlock wasn’t enough, Moffat will, again, be spreading Doctor Who joy throughout the land this holiday season. Word is that production of this […]

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Who's your favorite Sci-fi character?

A recently released poll conducted by SFX Magazine asked readers to select their favorite sci-fi hero. A quick glance, surprisingly, has revealed a somewhat shocking name (to me) atop the leader board. The Doctor? Nope. Mr Spock? Not even close. Captain Jack Harkness? Almost beat out the Doctor….for second place. Buffy?  Again, not even close. […]

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The Man Who Invented the Daleks – Terry Nation

Maybe you are searching for a little three-day weekend reading as opposed to yesterdays suggestions of some classic British comedy marathon viewing? If so, the book for you has just released this week in the UK. So you can make plans now for a little Labor Day weekend reading, a September 1 release in the […]

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Doctor Who v. Harris Tweed….the horror of it all

Who would have ever bet money that, in the 21st century, there would be an uproar involving the classic 60’s Harris Tweed manufacturer and the longest running science fiction series either side of the pond. If you didn’t, you should have. We all remember the recent resurgence of Harris Tweed when, back in 2009, the […]

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Eurovision 2011 winner and Kenneth Branagh talks Dr. Who

It was great night for telly last night on both sides of the pond with Neil Gaiman’s Doctor Who episode kicking the evening off followed by the grand final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 with Eli/Nikki from Azerbaijan taking home the prize. No, really, Azerbaijan. If you’re interested in a brilliant recap, here’s a […]

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Red Nose Day 2011 – Doctor Who and Outnumbered greatness

Wouldn’t be Red Nose Day without a new Doctor Who. Leading up to the series 6 premiere in April, Steven Moffat has created greatness once again. This time, there’s two Amy’s, how great is that? Doctor Who “Space, part 1” Doctor Who “Time, part 2” Outnumbered meets Andy Murray Andy Murray, current #1 British tennis player […]

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Doctor Who scattershooting on a Sunday…

A Doctor Who 50th? Could it be or is it just in my head at this point? It’s never too early to begin planning as to how to commemorate a significant event in history. In the case of Doctor Who, 23 November, 2013 will mark the 50th anniversary of the original broadcast of the Traveling […]

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Red Dwarf Easter Eggs for Christmas

Call it geeky, nerdy or whatever you want. This is just plain cool. Easter eggs are a long-standing tradition whether it be in films, television or, now, DVD releases. Not entirely sure if this is the work of Andrew Ellard or not, but the good folks over at have put together a compilation of […]

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Mark Gatiss' The First Men in the Moon

Definitely doesn’t have the name recognition that both War of the Worlds and The Time Machine have, but H.G. Wells’ The First Men in the Moon is still, well, H.G. Wells. With only a single screen adaptation in 1964 to is credit, The First Men in the Moon is getting a great dust off by way of self-proclaimed […]

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Last of the Summer Wine meets The Player

Now that reality has set in from last week’s announcement of the longest running sitcom in history, Last of the SummerWine, calling it quits, the Den of Geek offers up some of their best pitches to Last of the Summer Wine writer, Roy Clarke. In a scene reminiscent of Robert Altman’s The Player where the pitch […]

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