• Adopt a British Telephone Box For £1 or own one for a mere £2,750+

    Ok, I know it’s only March, but it’s never really too early to be thinking Christmas! If you’re wondering what could Tellyspotting possibly want this year, have we got a deal for you! Sadly, it looks like mobile phones are here to say so the iconic British red telephone boxes located on street corners everywhere […]

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  • Happy National Pi(e) Day, America!

    One can never have enough pie be it American or British so, no matter where you are and whether you are a fan of the traditional American ‘pie’ or British ‘pie’, today is National Pie Day here in the U.S. Unfortunately, North American Tellyspotting readers are usually a bit behind their U.K. counterparts as they set aside an entire week devoted to pie.  Also, we may feel a bit short-changed as we only have a day where they have an entire week as British Pie Week 2021 had been scheduled for March 1-7 this year. However, due to Covid-19 restrictions, it has been moved to September this year. SO, whether it’s a week or a day, grab a fork and dig in, time’s a wasting.

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  • Remembering the Cream Reunion Concert as The Royal Albert Hall celebrates 150 years!

    The one and only Royal Albert Hall has been home to more legendary moments in music history then the law allows. While the past year has been more than challenging for this iconic venue, the concert hall that borders London’s Hyde Park in South Kensington is nothing short of a national treasure….and, has been for 150 years! My first memory of attending a concert at Royal Albert Hall occurred some 15+ years ago in 2005 to see the Cream Reunion Concert as part of the filming for the PBS series Great Performances, 

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  • Remembering Midsomer Murders’ Sykes and other 4-legged screen pets on National Love Your Pet Day 2021!

    No self-respecting animal lover will ever forget Isis and Pharoah, the two 4-legged companions that were forever by Lord Grantham’s side in Downton Abbey or the majestic visual of Seamus riding up and down the Cornish coast in Poldark with Captain Ross Poldark at the helm or Queen Victoria’s beloved Dash, always at the young Queen’s side in Victoria. To celebrate National Love Your Pet Day, my thoughts immediately turned to the fictional English county of Midsomer and one of its most recognized residents, Sykes. It was a sad day back in September 2016 when one of the most beloved TV dogs since Lassie announced his retirement from Midsomer Murders. Sykes, John Barnaby’s beloved pet dog, hung up his lead following series 15 and retired after five years with the show.

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  • Oh, The (post COVID) Places You Will Go — it’s Leicester Square for me!

    If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent countless hours wondering what the first thing is you will do or what the first place is you would like to travel to if and when we are all fortunate enough to return to some concept of normalcy following the coronavirus pandemic. Whether it’s getting together with friends, […]

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  • Her Majesty the Queen’s Christmas broadcast 2020

    Following the tradition that began in 1932 by her father, King George V, Her Majesty The Queen broadcast her inaugural Christmas message live on the radio from her study at Sandringham, Norfolk in 1952. The Queen began that year with: “Each Christmas, at this time, my beloved father broadcast a message to his people in all parts of the world. Today I am doing this to you, who are now my people.”

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  • John Cleese’s classic rendition of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

    Much like watching It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Story, Tuna Christmas or, as evidenced by a recent admission, Die Hard, one of my annual Christmas traditions is to listen to John Cleese’s adaptation of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas from podcast No. 28. Never mind that there have been endless readings over the years by the likes […]

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