• Friday scattershooting – British style

    Friday scattershooting – British style

    Doing a quick search around the Internets, there’s a lot going on in the British television world, whether it be the not-so-breaking news that your favorite hotel from hell manager, John Cleese, has magically decided he likes Germans now after 35+ years, the news of yet another failed attempt at an American re-make or just […]

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  • British comedy cars want equal time on top-10 list

    British comedy cars want equal time on top-10 list

    You  might remember of our earlier in the week mention of the top-10 television and screen hotels where the ultimate British comedy ‘hotel from hell’ topped the list, seems now that the automobile wants equal time. Interestingly enough, British comedy is also featured prominently in this list compiled by Chrises Cars. For those playing along […]

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  • "Dibley Town Council" exists in Turville

    "Dibley Town Council" exists in Turville

    This is too coincidental. Remember just a short time back (yesterday, for that matter), we wondered if in TV, art imitates life or life imitates art. Well, we now have positive proof that both are true in the village of Turville, Buckinghamshire, UK, the setting for the Vicar of Dibley, judging by this story as […]

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  • A Friday Doctor Who scattershoot

    A Friday Doctor Who scattershoot

    Lots of Doctor Who news swirling around the Internets the last few days regarding the upcoming season with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. Some worth repeating and some not so much. I promise to forego the constant rumors of Matt Smith leaving, Karen Gillan leaving, Steven Moffat leaving, etc. Rather than have you spend hours […]

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  • Blackadder's space-age "petrol station" home gets approval

    Blackadder's space-age "petrol station" home gets approval

    In what could have been a scene right out of a Blackadder V pitch to the head of BBC Light Entertainment, the seventh century village of Oxfordshire came close to exhibiting their best imitation of the Dibley Town Council recently. Over the last several months, plans by the actor and star of British comedy classics such […]

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  • Doctor Who enrolling at MIT this Fall?

    Doctor Who enrolling at MIT this Fall?

    Forget SAT scores. His admission application reads like no other that has entered the hallowed halls of MIT. He’s regenerated 10 times, which means he’s been near death that many times. He travels through time and space in a time machine, the Time And Relative Dimension (s) in Space (TARDIS). He has two hearts, otherwise […]

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  • Pinewood Studio classics restored

    Pinewood Studio classics restored

    The mere fact that Kind Hearts and Coronets is amongst the list of films from the great Pinewood Studios archive vault that are being digitally re-mastered from the original 35mm prints makes this a great project. Also noticed the film cans in the piece below that are in this batch to be digitally re-mastered was […]

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  • It's 100+ degrees, let's talk December

    It's 100+ degrees, let's talk December

    As we move closer to our 20th day in a row of temperatures in excess of 100 degrees, the word on the street is that we might top out at 97 degrees next Wednesday. So, with December just on the horizon, it seemed like a great time to explore a long-running tradition in the UK […]

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  • Tellyspotting's summer book club suggestion #1

    Tellyspotting's summer book club suggestion #1

    Before Summer ends (I know it hasn’t ended as we’re getting reading to hit our 15th day in a row of temperatures in excess of 100 degrees), I thought I’d add to your summer reading club list with a few titles over the next couple of Sundays that will be of particular interest once you […]

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  • Max Headroom – the classic Talking Head

    Max Headroom – the classic Talking Head

    Some say, if you remember the 80’s, you didn’t have fun. But, if you do remember, hopefully you also remember one of the great television talking heads of all-time….Max Headroom. For those that may have been absent in the 80’s, Max was born in Britain. He first appeared as the irreverent host of “The Max […]

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