Finally, an 'Absolutely Fabulous' film

Jennifer Saunders, a.k.a. Eddy Monsoon, revealed recently to the Hollywood industry website Deadline, that she will write an AbFab feature film with a targeted 2012 release. Designed to coincide with the series’ 20th anniversary, the BBC Film production will reportedly open with Edina (Jennifer Saunders) and Patsy (Joanna Lumley) waking up, hungover (surprise, surprise), aboard an oligarch’s […]

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Downton Abbey 2: 62 days and counting

As telly watchers in the UK wake up to the realization that last night was the final episode of Downton Abbey 2 until Christmas, separation anxiety will soon kick in as they await the season finale. Not much sympathy, I’m afraid, from long-standing U.S. members of the worldwide chapter of the DA2 support group who continue […]

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Ready for a Doctor Who Christmas 2011?

A Doctor Who Christmas present for 2011 Good to know that both the U.S. and the U.K. are on Steven Moffat’s holiday gift-giving list for 2011. As if a second season of Sherlock wasn’t enough, Moffat will, again, be spreading Doctor Who joy throughout the land this holiday season. Word is that production of this […]

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Spooks (MI-5) 10 confirmed, I think

Ok, I’m a bit late to the dance, but doesn’t mean the band’s not coming back for another set. Just doing a bit of digging today on the eve of series 9 of MI5 (Spooks), which begins broadcasting on a number of public television stations across the U.S. this week. I had not “officially” heard […]

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Christmas Message – circa 1957

Can’t let Christmas Day go by without setting the Way Back machine to 1957 to take a look at the Queen’s first televised Christmas message 54 years ago to the people of England. Love the opening comments stating that “…television has made it possible for many of you to see me in your homes on […]

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Could Doctor Who really be Santa?

Sounds crazy, but how many people can stand here today and say they’ve seen both in the same room at the same time? My point, exactly. Think about it. Could ‘The Doctor’ actually be the new Santa? As pointed out in the Telegraph, both, in recent years, have arrived on Christmas Day with hope in […]

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Mr. Bean Christmas Turkey – a public service

With the Christmas holiday approaching like a bullet train, I thought it was more of a public service than just merely fun to show this clip as you prepare the Christmas turkey. As many times as I have watched this classic from Mr. Bean, starring the brilliant Rowan Atkinson, it just never gets old. When […]

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Behind the scenes of a Christmassy Miranda

Miranda, starring Miranda Hart, one of the funniest and most refreshing British comedies to come along in years on the BBC, targets the Christmas holiday season in the newest installment that premiered last night on BBC Two. While I haven’t seen a full episode as of yet, the numerous clips I’ve seen from the first […]

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Red Dwarf Easter Eggs for Christmas

Call it geeky, nerdy or whatever you want. This is just plain cool. Easter eggs are a long-standing tradition whether it be in films, television or, now, DVD releases. Not entirely sure if this is the work of Andrew Ellard or not, but the good folks over at have put together a compilation of […]

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