While Suranne Jones may not be a name you recognize, I’m guessing most are quite familiar with her work. If not, you’ve got a lot of catching up to do soon as you’re going to be seeing much more of her stellar work on both sides of the pond in the days to come. Since […]
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Hard to believe, but there are a few lost souls out there that have not seen or heard of the greatness of Doctor Who. Whether you are part of that small group that, after 48+ years, are still not completely convinced that the series will last and have yet to jump on the TARDIS bandwagon, […]
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As spelled out by our Sunday findings from Centives, the TARDIS can be quite expensive when it comes to upkeep and maintenance (about £15 million, to be exact). With the economy continuing to slowly move towards a recovery, even the most current Traveling Time Lord is not immune to a bit of a cutback on […]
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Now that UK audiences are 2/3rd through series 2 of Sherlock and the long Downton Abbey series 2 wait is over for U.S. audiences time to peruse the Internets for some stories that may have been missed while both sides of the pond had stayed away from any potential spoiler alerts this week…. Voldemort the […]
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Posted November 27, 2011 -
A long-time tradition of BBC programming will be ramped up a notch in 2012 as part of the BBC’s contribution to the Cultural Olympiad and Festival. Television adaptations of the works of William Shakespeare have been announced that include both documentaries and plays. BBC viewers will be treated to the likes of Richard II, Henry […]
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Posted November 2, 2011 -
More hijinks from the brilliant Doctor Who cast and crew at the end of not only the David Tennant era, but the end of the Russell T. Davies and Exec Producer, Julie Gardner era. This John Barrowman, David Tennant and Catherine Tate sendoff is priceless. Yet another reason I secretly want to be part of […]
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Posted November 1, 2011 -
Not only would any self-respecting Time Lord walk 500 miles, but I believe they would walk 500 more just to fall down at your door. This well-traveled video is well worth the time it takes to watch and only solidifies my belief as to how great it would be to be a part of the […]
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Posted October 26, 2011 -
Must have been something in the water in 1963. Obviously, the most monumental was the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22. Other notable events included the closing of Alcatraz, the Great Train Robbery took place in the UK, Martin Luther King delivered his I Have a Dream speech, the Beatles released their […]
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Posted October 19, 2011 -
BBC Syndication Showcase 2011 postcript As we close the book on the third annual BBC Syndication Showcase, PBS stations across the country leave BBC West (New Orleans) armed with an incredible number of potential choices for programming of all genres to acquire for broadcast in their individual markets. Science, Natural History, Drama, Factual and Comedy. […]
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At long last, the return of Doctor Who 6.5 has come and gone. Anticipation is replaced by reflection. Thankfully, the folks over a ScreenRant have been busy little reflectors when it comes to the Traveling Time Lord. For different reasons, we’ve all had our favorite Doctor’s over the years from William Hartnell to Matt Smith […]
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