BBC brings Christmas veggie to life with ‘Sprout Boy’

The humble sprout. The victim of a senseless contest in Dibley some years back. Love ’em or hate ’em, if you happen to reside in the UK, you’ll be seeing a lot of them before the year is out on the Beeb. That’s because BBC One’s chosen an animated and adventurous Brussels sprout to appear […]

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Peter Jackson signs on to direct ‘Doctor Who’ episode…or does he?

Last month, Doctor Who showrunner, Steven Moffat, dared to re-open the endless ‘speculation’  that has been going on for several years now surrounding the possibility of Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies director, Sir Peter Jackson, directing an upcoming episode of Doctor Who, saying that Jackson was a “…genuine big old Doctor Who fan“. Moffat then added: “He’s mentioned directing an episode, and then […]

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Einstein’s general theory of relativity as explained by…The Doctor!

In 1905, Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity. Unsatisfied, Einstein started thinking about how to incorporate gravity ‘into the equation’. It wasn’t until a decade later, in November of 1915, that the 36-year old physicist published what became widely known as Einstein’s field equations which proposed that gravity between objects is caused by curvatures in space and time, or, […]

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Guess what the BBC is getting you for Christmas this year?

Judging by the excessive number of emails I’m getting from the overly greedy retailers letting me know that, supposedly, ‘Black Friday’ has already begun even though it was only Monday, it’s never to early to think about Christmas…for the right reasons. This rings true, especially for the true believers (you know who you are) who […]

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Spend Christmas with The Doctor and River Song…at the Cinema!

Even though we are still right at six weeks from Christmas, it already seems like it’s here with the brilliant telly news coming out of the UK this week. First the announcement came that the long-awaited Sherlock special, “The Abominable Bride” would be released in the cinema following the New Year’s broadcast on BBC1 and PBS. Now […]

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First glimpse of Jenna Coleman as ‘Queen Victoria’

Jenna Coleman’s post-Doctor Who career has ‘officially’ begun with the first pics that have been released of the forthcoming ITV series, Victoria. With the release of the first images, also comes the news that Rufus Sewell (Parade’s End) has been added to the cast as Lord Melbourne, Victoria’s first prime minister. The drama will also star Peter Firth (Spooks) as […]

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Peter Capaldi is now, officially, the coolest Doctor ever

If, by chance, you happened to have hung out in Glasgow in the early 80’s, you may remember a punk band that went by the name of The Bastards from Hell and then, later, the Dreamboys. What you might not remember is that two members of the group who would go on to be pretty […]

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Why did the Dalek cross the (Abbey) Road?

To ‘exterminate’ the other side, perhaps? Before we can even speculate on any potential implications and/or additional explanations as to why, I think someone needs to answer the question as to why both the Doctor and Clara would allow a Dalek to be behind them. Walking across Abbey Road is dangerous enough these days without […]

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