I only say ‘mystery’ because, from the beginning, seems like all you had to do was walk up stairs to escape from them. After all, they were voted the scariest villains in the history of Doctor Who back in a 2007 poll of series fans. It has nothing at all to do with their chilling, […]
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Pretty much a no-brainer that Amy Pond would be the Little Red Haired Girl and Matt Smith would be Linus, but must Rory be Charlie Brown? Thanks to artist Larry Wentzel, for the mash-up that imagines Doctor Who characters as if they were inside the mind of the great Peanuts creator, Charles Schultz. Wentzel described […]
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With all the world aglow this week with the news that Doctor Who has been commissioned for another 14 episodes and still euphoric over the knowledge that Sherlock 2 is currently in production, it doesn’t seem to be all happy fun time at the BBC Television Centre these days. What started out as a seemingly […]
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Considering the fact that I could barely tie my shoes in nursery school, when a fellow nursery school kid comes along and channels his inner Timelord for a kindergarten talent show, you have to be impressed. A proud mother posted on YouTube with the caption, ‘Our kindergartener decided he wanted to give the Pandorica monologue […]
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Want more Doctor Who? You got it. On the heels of perhaps one of the best Doctor Who seasons ever (never mind we’ve only seen half of this season so far) comes the welcome news that the BBC has confirmed the commissioning of another season (#7) of the Doctor with 14 new episodes coming our […]
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Captain Jack a mortal? Torchwood creator, Russell T. Davies is having fun. Seems as though Davies revealed in a recent AOL TV interview that Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), in a classic twist of fate, will be mortal. It was 2005 during a Doctor Who episode when Captain Jack was killed, brought back to life and, […]
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This is definitely a case of you probably are not familiar with either the name or the face, but you are keenly aware of the voice. For 21 years (1967-1988), Roy Skelton brought the Doctor’s scariest villains to life with one simple word….Exterminate! In addition to being THE voice of the Daleks, Skelton also lent […]
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How can you argue with the likes of Russell T. Davies, Julie Gardner and Jane Tranter? Quick answer? You can’t. Collectively, they have been responsible for the original reinvention of Doctor Who (ok, regeneration, if you must), the creation of Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. As Head of Drama for BBC Wales, Gardner was […]
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As the NBA Finals begin between the Dallas Mavericks and the Miami Heat, we turn our attention to another longtime battle….the Doctor (Dallas) vs. the Daleks (Miami). After being voted the scariest villain in the history of Doctor Who in a 2007 poll and having been defeated over 400 times throughout the series, I wouldn’t […]
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