Royal Wedding – done. Premiere of Doctor Who – check. Time to turn our focus to the next major event of 2011. With just a little more than 10 weeks to go before the 15 July premiere of the epic finale of the event that cannot be named, it’s time to feed the beast. Why […]
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Aside from the Royal wedding and the return of the new season of Doctor Who, the most talked about, highly-anticipated series return has to be the second set of Sherlock programs from the minds of Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. You may recall the little teaser tweet and accompanying photo from Mr. Moffat last week […]
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Last week’s premiere episode of series 6 of Doctor Who titled “The Impossible Astronaut” has set a brilliant stage for this week’s epic part 2 conclusion, “Day of the Moon“. Still in America, with the FBI on their heels, this week’s episode is more Steven Moffat brilliance just waiting to happen. Before you watch, here […]
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Fresh from what appears to be a very successful premiere of the new season of Doctor Who comes the long-awaited news for Sherlock/Benedict Cumberbatch/Martin Freeman/Steven Moffat/Mark Gatiss fans. Leave it to the genius of co-creators/writers, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, to brilliantly solve Twitter and its 140 character limitations. Early Tuesday morning, the tweet from […]
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Post-St Georges Day and post-anniversary of William Shakespeare birth and death, we transition from one of the most eagerly anticipated weeks of the year which culminated with the premiere of the new season of Doctor Who to the next most eagerly anticipated weeks of the same year leading up to the Royal Wedding. Time to take […]
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It just doesn’t seem right to talk Royal Wedding until the real event of the week has passed….and, that would be tonight’s premiere of the new season of Doctor Who, for those playing along at home. We’ve done our best to catch newbies up on the last 32 years of the Doctor’s travels so now […]
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Word is, there may be a few folks around the globe that don’t grasp the overall importance of Doctor Who as we move another day closer to Saturday’s premiere. Aside from the fact that this is continued Steven Moffat greatness, it will be the first time in the 32-year history of the series that it […]
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Elisabeth Sladen has passed away at the age of 63. You may or may not know the name, but if you’re a Doctor Who fan, you’ll immediately recognize her role as Sarah Jane Smith, dating back to 1973 when she first appeared alongside the Traveling Time Lord. Most fans, worldwide, considered Sladen as the ultimate […]
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Never has the Internet universe been so abuzz with the impending premiere of S6 of Doctor Who this coming Saturday. Ok, maybe there was the same anticipation around this time last year for S5, but it makes great copy. As per the usual, rumors are rampant with grenades being lobbed about someone dying in the […]
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