• ‘Desert Island Discs’ set to begin its 9th decade on BBC Radio!

      Having celebrated its’ 80th birthday on 29 January, 2022, BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs is perhaps the coolest show on the planet, which premiered on BBC radio in 1942. Created by Roy Plomley, the format is about as simple as you can get. A guest ‘castaway’ is invited to choose the eight records they […]

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  • SPAM® Figgy Pudding — Flavor, Spice and Everything Nice….in a can!

    Now that Thanksgiving is in our collective rearview mirror, it’s time (and, ok) to focus our attention on the forthcoming December holiday season. While thoughts of holidays past rank high on most everyone’s list as to what causes them to look forward to this time of year, there is a desire on the part of […]

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  • Giving thanks, once again, this Thanksgiving for family, friends, loyal Tellyspotting readers, good health and MiniBoots, in addition to ‘The Prisoner’ and ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’’

    In addition to stopping for a moment to be eternally thankful for family, friends, avid and first-time Tellyspotting readers, good health and our cat, MiniBoots, no Thanksgiving would be complete without recognizing the contributions made by two classic British series in not only setting me on a lifelong desire of wanting to consume all things British when […]

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  • Handel, Hendrix and Van Gogh, oh my!

    If you find yourself in London during the holidays, here are a couple off-the-beaten path places to check out that you just, quite frankly, don’t find on a regular basis when traveling to another city. Given the potential of you never know what you will find around the corner, this is why London is a […]

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  • Well, it’s November, must be time for the annual Christmas adverts!

    There’s something about walking into, I don’t know, any store right before Halloween and seeing Christmas decorations already up where you don’t look up to the sky and quietly say, “Really, can you not wait until at least Thanksgiving or, if you must, make it after Halloween?” That said, I can’t wait every year until […]

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  • Larry the Cat — providing stability at 10 Downing Street since 2011!

    Despite the recent instability at the most famous address this side of 221B Baker Street, there has been one constant at 10 Downing Street since 2011. Serving as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom at 10 Downing Street, the residence and home office of Britain’s prime minister, Larry the Cat was appointed in 2011 and finds himself now serving his fourth PM in the last decade (3rd in the last 45 days!). Larry has outlasted prime ministers David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson and, as of this past week, the six-week tenure of Liz Truss.

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  • ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ sadly plays out in real life for Queensland homeowner

    When the greatness of Douglas Adams initially created Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in 1978 as a BBC Radio4 comedy science fiction, even he couldn’t have imagined that art would imitate real-life almost 44 years later in 2022. While it’s not the Earth that is being destroyed by a Vogon constructor fleet, Queensland homeowner Anil Konda certainly understood how Arthur Dent must have felt recently.

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  • Remembering Ian ‘Spats’ Picken, Chef extraordinaire

    There’s a simultaneous joy and danger to cleaning out drawers and files as, good or bad, you never know what you might run across. In this case, it was pure joy to stumble onto a memory from our time attending the annual BBC Showcase in Brighton from the mid-90s to the mid-2000s. Each year, 500 […]

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  • ‘Wolf Hall’ sequel to continue as memorial to author, Dame Hilary Mantel

    Two-time Booker Prize-winning author, Hilary Mantel, passed away Thursday at the all-too-young age of 70. At the time of her death, Mantel was consulting on the television adaptation of her most recent 2020 novel, “The Mirror and the Light”, which was the conclusion to her critically acclaimed Tudor trilogy. The writer’s first two books in the […]

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