With series 10 of Doctor Who now in the books and series 11, complete with a new Doctor, currently only a vision in new showrunner Chris Chibnall’s eyes at this point, we’re going to need a few things over the next few months to pass the time until the 2017 Christmas episode. Moments after the series 10 cliff-hanger finale, […]
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The TARDIS landed last month in North Texas for WhoFestDFW4. Inside the fictional time machine and spacecraft we caught up with Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor, for a brief chat before the convention began. Davison, who took the keys to the blue box from 1981-1984, took over for Tom Baker at age 29 becoming, at the time, […]
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When news of the passing of Sir Roger Moore hit the States on Tuesday, the ensuing conversations that I witnessed seemed to mirror what I would imagine might happen in the UK should any actor that played The Doctor pass. One by one, the people that seemed to be affected most by Moore’s passing were […]
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If your TARDIS happens to be in the North Texas area beginning today through Sunday, you need to head on over to WhoFest4 DFW for more Doctor Who than the law allows. The fourth year of the fest promises, once again, to be ‘bigger on the inside’ this year with more panels, guests, concerts, Q&A sessions, celebrity photo ops, […]
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As we all know, The Doctor is an alien Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who travels through all of time and space in his TARDIS with his companion. In anticipation of Saturday’s series 10 premiere on BBC1 and BBC America, companions Pearl Mackie (Bill Potts) and Matt Lucas (Nardole) give us an up-close-and-personal crash course […]
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Tim Pigott-Smith, the acclaimed British character actor, who catapulted to fame in the 1980s as the villainous police superintendent, Ronald Merrick, in the television series, The Jewel in the Crown, died on Friday in Northampton, England at the age of 70. Pigott-Smith won the BAFTA Award of Best Actor in 1985 for his work in The Jewel […]
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While Paul McGann’s brief time as the Eighth Doctor probably did very little from a residency standpoint to prepare him to take on the role of surgeon Professor John Gaskell at Holby City Hospital, he did go from Doctor to surgeon. As we all know, Holby is currently struggling under a crisis. Fortunately, there’s a […]
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When Doctor Who returns to BBC One on April 15, the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) will meet a new friend, Bill Potts. Now, Pearl Mackie, the actress who plays Bill, has confirmed that her character is openly gay, saying that “…representation is important, especially on a mainstream show“. It shouldn’t be a big deal in the 21st Century,” she […]
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You’ve just been named as the 13th Doctor. While this is a major ‘apples and oranges’ comparison, I can only imagine that it’s a bit like waking up the next morning after becoming President of the United States. The magnitude of what has just happened and what is about to happen to your life will […]
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C’mon, all the cool kids are doing it. Grab your red nose and get ready to settle in at 7p on Friday, 24 March on BBC1 and BBC2 for some of the best and brightest when it comes to comedy. Who can forget some of the comedic brilliance from years past such as Dawn French […]
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