BBC/PBS is your invitation to the Royal Wedding on May 19! Get ready beginning May 14 with 5-night ‘Royal Wedding Watch’!

Attention, Anglophiles! The ‘wedding of the year’ is nearly upon us! Before you blindly mark your calendars for just Saturday, 19 May, the BBC and PBS are primed and ready to get you geared up for this global event with Royal Wedding Watch, a 5-part nightly series beginning May 14 at 10pET/9pCT. Coverage will then culminate in […]

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BBC1 vs. ITV1 in Christmas Smackdown 2011

Will 2011 be the year that ITV unseats the 600 pound giant in the room, BBC One, for Christmas Day ratings dominance? Cue Michael Buffer….Let’s get ready to rumble! The infamous long-awaited Christmas Day schedules for both BBC One and ITV1 have been set, sort of, (as of today, anyway) and war has officially been […]

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Sherlock 2 set for late 2011/early 2012 premiere

Aside from the Royal wedding and the return of the new season of Doctor Who, the most talked about, highly-anticipated series return has to be the second set of Sherlock programs from the minds of Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. You may recall the little teaser tweet and accompanying photo from Mr. Moffat last week […]

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Memorable British comedy weddings for your review

Celebrating today’s Royal wedding? Perhaps, you have Royal wedding talk tired head. Either way, there have been some classic British comedy weddings over the years that would rival any Royal nuptial from a memorable standpoint. How about a few to pass the time for old time sake. Have a favorite? As Time Goes By – […]

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Royal Wedding. Avoid, survive or endure? Your choice.

As the big event closes in on us tomorrow, there are plans being made to have or attend Royal Wedding watching parties around the globe no matter the time zone. Television networks can’t muscle their way in to Trafalgar Square quick enough to bring viewers more information than the law allows about every square inch of […]

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Happy Easter from the Dibley Bunny

Post-St Georges Day and post-anniversary of William Shakespeare birth and death, we transition from one of the most eagerly anticipated weeks of the year which culminated with the premiere of the new season of Doctor Who to the next most eagerly anticipated weeks of the same year leading up to the Royal Wedding. Time to take […]

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No pre-Royal Wedding talk here – It's Doctor Who time!

It just doesn’t seem right to talk Royal Wedding until the real event of the week has passed….and, that would be tonight’s premiere of the new season of Doctor Who, for those playing along at home. We’ve done our best to catch newbies up on the last 32 years of the Doctor’s travels so now […]

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