'88 Doctor Who mash-up reaches #1 in the UK and London by song

Ever wondered how you create a #1 single in the UK? It’s easy. In 1988, well-known British band, The KLF, decided they wanted a #1 hit on the UK charts. They set about creating a chart-topping single, Doctorin’ the TARDIS, under the name, The Timelords. Basically, it’s an early mash-up of the Doctor Who theme music […]

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British comedy scattershooting on a Monday….

Survived the first snowstorm of 2011, a whopping 2 inches (insert laughter from Colorado readers here) after all was said and done. Time for a periodic look around the horn at what’s happening in the world of British comedy, British television and the actors/actresses you’ve come to know and love over the years. Can’t save […]

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2011 resolution: Say no to American re-makes

Seeing as though we’re only days away from another questionable American remake of a really well-done British television import, I thought I’d immediately put in the request for my first 2011 New Year’s resolution. You know the drill. Have written about this many times. Readers in the UK, I apologize for taking up space and […]

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Scattershooting with the Doctor – with series 6 preview

Doctor Who – series 6 trailer The TARDIS comes crashing head first into the Utah desert for what looks to be another ‘stellar season from the mind of Steven Moffat in 2011. What you may recall from earlier shooting this year in the U.S. will be seen in the first couple of episodes of the […]

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Could Doctor Who really be Santa?

Sounds crazy, but how many people can stand here today and say they’ve seen both in the same room at the same time? My point, exactly. Think about it. Could ‘The Doctor’ actually be the new Santa? As pointed out in the Telegraph, both, in recent years, have arrived on Christmas Day with hope in […]

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It's a One Ronnie Christmas for all….in the UK, at least

Hard to believe that one half of the brilliant British comedy duo almost hung it up before he got started. Ronnie Corbett says he thought long and hard about abandoning show business before he met his long-time professional partner, Ronnie Barker. As the story goes, Corbett thought about giving up a career in show business […]

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Is Episodes a comedy or a documentary?

A British couple comes to the U.S. to oversee their successful British comedy being remade by an “American network” — and ruined. Sounds more like a documentary than a comedy to me. Can you blame me? I can name all the British comedies that have had American re-makes on one hand, and have two fingers […]

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A possible last-minute Xmas gift for the ultimate Doctor Who fan?

In case you have suddenly realized that Christmas Day is a mere 17 days from today, in the immortal words of Douglas Adams, Don’t Panic. We are here for you if you need that last minute extra-special something for the ultimate Doctor Who fan in your life. How about a real-life sonic screwdriver? Seems as though […]

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BBC Christmas 2010 w/ Upstairs Downstairs preview

For those that reside east of the Atlantic, the BBC has given the world a hint of what you’ll be treated to on Christmas Day 2010 with a really top-notch trailer below. As we’ve talked about at great length, schedulers at The Beeb take their jobs extra serious on this day, recognizing the desires of […]

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